Getting close…

Everwild Spirits Distillery

05/18/2022 - Everwild Spirits Distillery

“When are you going to open?” Yes, we hear this multiple times a day now - and we don’t mind at all. Keep asking! We love to hear from you and its hugely motivating to know so many people are excited about our business. Our community’s support and enthusiasm for Everwild has been incredible and inspiring. We are in the final stages to to get everything completed, pass inspections and ultimately open. As the date when we can officially open becomes clearer in the next few weeks, we will provide regular updates on our website, blog, email and social media.

Everwild Spirits - SEEKERS Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Our second most common question is, “What kind of Bourbon will you have?” Our first product is something we are very proud of and I cannot wait for you to taste it. I can tell you it is excellent, delicious and now I’m worried we haven’t made enough! It is a small batch four-grain Bourbon (corn, rye, wheat, barley) and every barrel included has been aged at least 4 years. It will be branded SEEKERS Straight Bourbon Whiskey, hand-bottled by our team at 47% ABV/94 Proof, and holds its own as a neat pour, over the rocks or in hand-crafted cocktail by our incredibly talented bartending staff. We will begin to offer this product in very-early June, more details on this in the next two weeks…

Everwild Spirits Distillery - Mural Artwork (Cathy Tyda)

The image above is a small sample of just one of the multiple murals currently being painted on our walls by exceptionally talented local artist, Cathy Tyda. We considered many, many mural artists from across the country, from New York, to Colorado, to Oregon, to Texas - but we did not need to look any further than northern Ohio, where we found Cathy, based in the Bowling Green area. She has great talent, and a beautiful painting style. After we met to describe our vision, we found we had a lot in common and she has been very enthusiastic about our project. I know her work will be a great addition of public art for our community to enjoy, and we can’t wait to share it with you.

Everwild Spirits - Kothe Still

Our hybrid pot/column still was built by Kothe, and it is finally in the building. We are in the process of cleaning it up and getting it all assembled. It is a steam-heated still, with a water/glycol chilling system, so there is a lot of piping to run but we are on track to get it completed and anxious to fire it up.

Everwild Spirits - Interior Sign

The interior of our Tasting Room, Lounge and Bottle Shop is just about finished. The photo above of our Everwild sign in the foyer (Brady Signs) looks amazing. There are so many more beautiful features inside - you’ll just have to come visit to see them all. We are so grateful for the dozens of partners, vendors, contractors and friends who have brought our vision to life and made it real.


Everwild Is Open For Business!


Everwild’s Copper Club