Our Vision

Our team has been working hard these past few months to transform our building. We’ve established a clear vision for our distillery and we are now focused on execution and driving towards that vision.

I’d like to add that we are very grateful and frankly a bit overwhelmed by all of the support and positive energy we have received. We have also gotten quite a few questions about what we will be distilling and when it will be available, which is totally understandable. We will definitely be making Bourbon, and we will be offering some other spirits as well.
We will have more to reveal on that and some other exciting elements in the coming months as we get closer to our planned opening in 2022.

Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm around this project! #LiveEverwild

View from Hancock Street

View from Hancock Street

Entrance and Bottle Shop

Entrance and Bottle Shop

Lounge & Bar

Lounge & Bar

Tasting Table






Everwild Progress Update


Prepping the building for build-out